Make Your Own Christian Tract!

Wanted: Christians--who are willing to give their gift to the Lord.

The need for good Christian tracts is vital. We need tracts that can reach the people of today--the people who are in your own neighborhood and town. We need tracts that will fit the needs of the lost and unsaved of this generation. The Lord needs the words and pictures which you have inside of you, to reach others with the Gospel.

This is your place to write and draw your own tract--for the purposes which the Lord has given you. Can you write in a special language? Can you speak to people who speak like you? What about your testimony--your experiences--your ways of witnessing. There are so many of you who are wonderful witnesses for the Lord--have you ever thought about writing down the words that you have used to lead people to Christ--in order to benefit others?

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE BOOKLET.....This booklet will give you lots of practical advice on how to turn your writing into a tract.

Here is a video that gives some tips and instructions on how you can make your own Christian on Youtube......

Download Open Office...this is a free app that will let you make a drawing document and create text boxes.....If you have Open Office, download these tract formats to help get you started........format to make 1 tract per page....................format to make 2 tracts per page................format to make 3 tracts per page...

Here is a tract format that works in MSWord..........format to make 2 tracts per page..........format to make 4 tracts per page..........format to make 8 tracts per page..........

If you have any questions, send us an e-mail, we love to help our fellow believers make tracts! In fact, if you send us the words and pictures, we will format your tracts for you completely free of charge of course--we do not accept donations of any kind.


Well, now that you made your tract, what are you going to do with it? Pray and ask the Lord! Maybe you are writing tracts for your own use. Maybe you can create something that will be of use for evangelism teams in your church or community. If you want to give your tract away for free, we would be glad to add your tract in with ours at this website, so that others can utilize it. We have given away over 50 million tracts in the last 15 years. At the very beginning, other people began to send us their tracts, and we have been blessed to give them their own web pages with their tracts and Bible studies. (Yes we are also interested in those Bible studies you've been writing on your computer. We would be glad to give you a free web page and publish them for you--as long as you are willing to give away what you have been given freely!).

We pray in the name of Jesus, that you will be fully released into the gift and calling which He has given you, and that many will come to know our wonderful Savior Jesus through your ministry.

Our friends at His Print Media ministry have made some excellent instructional videos that can give you help on how to use your computer to create Gospel here to go to their training video page